January 25, 2010

back to the grind

well i've been back in ny for 2 weeks and started classes today after a nice long break. now to see if im still used to doing work.

January 4, 2010

new year's resolution

so i've come to the realization i have no money (thanks to tuition/rent)

so starting now, I'm going out less and finding more fun things to do around the city for free/on a budget...and finding a job

this should be interesting

January 3, 2010

concrete jungle

a few pics from one of my midtown adventures. the only reason these are really being posted is because they are higher quality than the ones on facebook. some minor tweaking of course, but i think they turned out well

so this is the new year, and i don't feel any different

i've been really lazy about keeping up with my blog lately

so (at the request of courtney) here we go

just got home after a week of my brother staying with me in nyc. did some picture takin in midtown so those will follow in the coming days one i sort through them along with a less half assed post like this one.